How to Start a Successful YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel can be an exhilarating journey, one that blends creativity, personal expression, and the potential for widespread recognition in a way few other platforms can offer. Whether you’re looking to share your expertise, entertain, or educate, YouTube provides a canvas as vast as your imagination. In this guide, we’ll embark on a step-by-step exploration to launch a YouTube channel that’s not just another drop in the digital ocean, but a beacon of success.

From understanding the intricacies of the platform to mastering the art of content creation and audience engagement, every piece of advice is geared towards helping you carve out your own space in the YouTube universe. Remember, in this realm, your unique voice and content have the power to transcend geographical boundaries and resonate with viewers across the globe.

Whether you dream of influencing trends, fostering a community around a shared passion, or simply sharing your world, the journey starts here. Let’s dive into the blueprint for turning your vision into reality, ensuring your channel stands out in a world where everyone is vying for the spotlight.

Understanding the Platform

Before you jump into the exciting world of content creation, taking a moment to understand YouTube’s ecosystem is essential. It’s important to recognize that YouTube is more than just a video hosting platform; it’s a vibrant community bustling with interaction, creativity, and endless opportunities for content creators. Engagement, consistency, and quality aren’t just buzzwords here—they’re the pillars upon which successful channels are built.

Engagement on YouTube goes beyond mere viewership. It encompasses the ways in which viewers interact with your content—through likes, comments, shares, and even the length of time they spend watching. These metrics not only boost your channel’s visibility through YouTube’s algorithms but also help in fostering a loyal community around your content.

Consistency is about more than just posting regularly. It’s about creating a reliable presence that your audience can look forward to. This could mean having a consistent posting schedule, maintaining a standard of quality, or sticking to a specific theme or tone across your videos. Consistency helps in building trust with your audience, making them more likely to return for more of your content.

Quality is crucial in a platform saturated with content. High-quality videos—in terms of both production value and content clarity—stand out. Investing time in planning your content, ensuring good video and audio quality, and editing your videos for coherence can make a significant difference in attracting and retaining viewers.

Understanding these aspects of YouTube’s ecosystem is the first step towards creating a channel that not only survives but thrives.

How to Start a Successful YouTube Channel

Defining Your Niche

When it comes to YouTube, one size does not fit all. The key to standing out is identifying your passion and carving out a niche for yourself. Your channel should be a reflection of what you love, whether it’s cooking, gaming, education, lifestyle, or any other domain. Passion is contagious, and it’s what transforms ordinary content into engaging experiences for your viewers.

Why does passion matter?

It fuels your commitment to your channel, drives you to improve continuously, and most importantly, it connects you on a personal level with your audience. When viewers see that you genuinely care about your content, they’re more likely to engage with it and follow your journey.

Moreover, a well-defined niche helps you to target a specific audience more effectively. It allows you to tailor your content to meet the needs and interests of your viewers, making your channel a go-to resource for that particular topic. As you delve deeper into your niche, you not only establish yourself as an authority but also create a dedicated community around your shared interests.

In summary, understanding YouTube as a platform and defining your niche are foundational steps in your journey to creating a successful channel. These steps lay the groundwork for everything that follows, from content creation to audience engagement. With a solid grasp on these elements, you’re well on your way to carving out your own space in the vast YouTube universe.

Research Your Audience

Understanding your audience is like having a roadmap in the vast journey of content creation. Knowing who they are, what they enjoy, and what they’re looking for can make the difference between a video that resonates and one that falls flat. Tailoring your content to meet the preferences and needs of your audience not only increases its relevance but can significantly boost your viewership as well.

Identifying Your Audience:

Start by asking some key questions. Who are you aiming to reach with your content? Are they beginners or experts in your niche? What age group do they belong to? By answering these questions, you can start to form a clear picture of your target audience.

Understanding Their Interests:

Once you have a basic understanding of who your audience is, dive deeper into what they enjoy. What type of content are they looking for? What are their hobbies, challenges, and questions related to your niche? Platforms like Quora, Reddit, and even the comment sections of related YouTube channels can be goldmines of insight into your audience’s preferences.

Engaging with Your Audience:

One of the most direct ways to research your audience is by engaging with them. Use your video comments, social media platforms, or community tabs to ask your viewers what content they’d like to see. This not only provides you with valuable ideas but also builds a sense of community and shows your audience that their opinions matter.

Analyzing Your Competitors:

Look at channels that address similar topics or target a similar audience. Notice which of their videos have the highest engagement and try to understand why. This can give you insights into what your potential audience values and enjoys.

Leveraging YouTube Analytics:

Once you have started posting content, YouTube Analytics becomes an invaluable tool. It can provide detailed information about who is watching your videos, including demographics, viewing habits, and how they found your content. This data can help you fine-tune your content strategy to better match your audience’s preferences.

Tailoring your content to your audience is an ongoing process. As your channel grows and evolves, so too will your audience. Keep your finger on the pulse of their changing preferences and interests, and be willing to adapt your content accordingly. Remember, the more relevant your content is to your audience, the more likely they are to engage with it, share it, and keep coming back for more.

Planning Your Content

Embarking on your YouTube journey with a clear content plan is akin to setting sail with a map and compass—it guides your path and ensures you stay on course. Two critical components of a successful content strategy are maintaining consistency and employing a content calendar.

Consistency is Key

Consistency on YouTube doesn’t merely refer to the frequency of your uploads, although that’s a significant part of it. It encompasses the quality of your content, the themes you explore, and the persona you present. Being consistent helps in building a loyal audience as viewers begin to know what to expect from your channel and look forward to your uploads.

  • Decide on a Posting Schedule: Whether it’s once a week, bi-weekly, or daily, choose a schedule that’s realistic for you and appealing to your audience. The key is to set a pace you can sustain in the long run without compromising the quality of your content.
  • Be Punctual: Once you’ve decided on your posting schedule, stick to it. Regular uploads can create anticipation and a routine for your audience, making them more likely to return for your latest content.
  • Consistent Quality: While maintaining a regular posting schedule is crucial, it’s equally important to ensure that each piece of content you produce meets a certain standard of quality. Your audience will come to expect a level of professionalism and will appreciate the effort you put into your videos.

Content Calendar

A content calendar is an essential tool for any content creator. It helps you plan out your video topics, production schedule, and posting dates, ensuring that you’re never at a loss for what to create next.

  • Plan Ahead: Use a digital calendar or a planner to map out your video topics weeks or even months in advance. This allows you to think strategically about your content and how it fits into your overall channel strategy.
  • Cover a Variety of Topics: Within your niche, explore different angles and topics to keep your content fresh and engaging. A content calendar makes it easier to diversify your content and ensure a good mix of videos that appeal to various interests within your audience.
  • Adapt and Update: While it’s important to plan your content, be flexible enough to adapt your calendar. If something topical or trending comes up that’s relevant to your niche, don’t be afraid to rearrange your schedule to accommodate timely content.
  • Batch Production: Knowing what videos you need to produce ahead of time allows for batch filming and editing. This can save you time and reduce the stress of last-minute rushes to meet your posting schedule.

In summary, consistency and a well-thought-out content calendar are foundational elements of a successful YouTube channel. They ensure that you remain on your audience’s radar by delivering regular, quality content that speaks directly to their interests and needs. Planning might require effort upfront, but the payoff in audience growth and engagement is well worth it.

Creating High-Quality Videos

In the realm of YouTube, content is king, but the quality of your videos can elevate your reign. High-quality videos are more engaging, more enjoyable to watch, and more likely to be shared, thereby increasing your channel’s reach. Let’s delve into how you can enhance the quality of your videos, focusing on equipment and editing skills.

Invest in Good Equipment

Starting a YouTube channel doesn’t require you to break the bank with professional gear, but investing in good equipment can significantly improve the quality of your content.

  • Camera: Your smartphone might be all you need to get started, especially if it’s capable of shooting in 1080p or 4K. However, if you’re looking to upgrade, consider a DSLR or mirrorless camera for superior video quality.
  • Microphone: Audio quality is just as important as video quality. Viewers might forgive a less-than-perfect video, but poor audio can be a deal-breaker. A decent lapel mic or a shotgun microphone can vastly improve your sound quality.
  • Lighting: Good lighting can make a dramatic difference in video quality. Natural light is a great starting point, but you may also consider softbox lights or ring lights to ensure your videos are well-lit, reducing shadows and enhancing clarity.
  • Tripod/Stabilizer: A shaky video can detract from the viewer’s experience. Using a tripod or a stabilizer can help keep your footage steady and professional-looking.

Learn Basic Editing

Editing is where your videos truly come to life. It allows you to polish your content, add effects, and ensure a coherent flow. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Choose the Right Software: There are several user-friendly video editing software options available for beginners, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and more budget-friendly options like iMovie or Shotcut.
  • Learn the Basics: Familiarize yourself with cutting and trimming clips, adjusting audio levels, and incorporating transitions. These basic skills are the foundation of good video editing.
  • Keep It Engaging: Use editing to keep your videos dynamic and engaging. This can mean adding on-screen text, graphics, or even simple animations to highlight key points.
  • Color Correction: Learning basic color correction can enhance your video’s visual appeal, making it look more professional.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Like any skill, video editing gets better with practice. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques and styles to find what best suits your content.

Creating high-quality videos is a continuous learning process. As you grow your channel, you’ll find ways to improve and refine your production and editing skills. Remember, the goal is to make your videos as engaging and enjoyable for your audience as possible. Investing time and resources into improving video and audio quality shows your commitment to your viewers and can help set your content apart in a crowded YouTube landscape.

Optimizing for Visibility

In the vast sea of YouTube content, ensuring your videos stand out and are easily discoverable is crucial for growing your audience. This is where optimization comes into play, particularly through SEO-friendly practices and the creation of compelling thumbnails. Let’s explore how these strategies can significantly increase your channel’s visibility.

SEO-Friendly Titles and Descriptions

The right keywords can act as beacons, guiding viewers to your content. Incorporating SEO (Search Engine Optimization) principles into your video titles and descriptions can vastly improve your visibility on YouTube and search engines.

  • Conduct Keyword Research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, TubeBuddy, or VidIQ to find keywords relevant to your video content. These are the terms and phrases that potential viewers are searching for.
  • Optimize Your Title: Your video title should be clear, concise, and include your main keyword. It should give viewers an immediate understanding of what your video is about while enticing them to click.
  • Craft Your Descriptions Wisely: Your video description offers more space to incorporate keywords, provide context, and include calls to action (e.g., subscribing to your channel or visiting your website). The first couple of sentences are crucial as they appear in search previews, so make sure they pack a punch!
  • Use Tags Wisely: While tags are less important than they used to be, they can still help YouTube understand the content and context of your video. Include your main keyword, variations of it, and topic-related keywords.

Custom Thumbnails

Thumbnails are the first thing viewers notice about your video. A compelling thumbnail can significantly increase your video’s click-through rate.

  • Be Eye-Catching: Use bright colors, interesting textures, or contrast to make your thumbnail stand out. You want it to catch a viewer’s eye among a sea of other videos.
  • Include Text Sparingly: If you use text in your thumbnail, make sure it’s readable even at a small size. Keep it to a few words that complement your title and intrigue the viewer.
  • Show Faces: Human faces showing emotion tend to attract more clicks. If relevant, feature expressive faces that convey the mood of your video.
  • Maintain Consistency: Developing a consistent style for your thumbnails can help viewers recognize your content at a glance. Consider using a consistent color scheme, font, or layout.
  • Quality Matters: Ensure your thumbnails are high quality and adhere to YouTube’s recommended dimensions (1280×720 pixels). Blurry or pixelated thumbnails can deter potential viewers.

Optimizing your YouTube videos for visibility is an ongoing process that can dramatically affect your channel’s growth and viewer engagement. By focusing on SEO-friendly titles and descriptions and creating custom thumbnails that grab attention, you can increase the likelihood of your content being discovered by a wider audience. As you implement these strategies, keep track of their impact through YouTube Analytics to refine and improve your approach over time.

How to Start a Successful YouTube Channel

Engaging with Your Community

One of the most rewarding aspects of creating content on YouTube is the opportunity to build and engage with a community. This engagement goes beyond simply amassing views; it’s about creating a dialogue and fostering a loyal audience that feels connected to you and your content. Let’s delve into how interacting with your viewers and collaborating with other creators can enrich your channel’s community.

Interact with Your Viewers

Your viewers are your channel’s backbone. Showing that you value their input and feedback can turn casual viewers into dedicated subscribers.

  • Respond to Comments: Make it a habit to read and respond to comments on your videos. This direct interaction shows your audience that you’re attentive and appreciative of their engagement, encouraging more viewers to leave comments in the future.
  • Ask for Feedback: Don’t shy away from asking your viewers what they liked about a video or what they’d like to see in future content. This not only gives you valuable insights but also makes your viewers feel involved in the creative process.
  • Utilize Social Media: Extend the conversation beyond YouTube by engaging with your audience on social media platforms. Share behind-the-scenes content, conduct polls, or simply share thoughts related to your niche. These interactions help strengthen your community.
  • Host Live Sessions: Live streaming can be a powerful tool for real-time engagement. Use it to host Q&A sessions, discuss topics of interest, or just chat with your audience. It’s a great way to deepen connections with your viewers.

Collaborate with Other Creators

Collaborations are a fantastic way to introduce your channel to new audiences and bring fresh content to your current viewers.

  • Find Complementary Creators: Look for other YouTubers in your niche or related fields whose content complements yours. Their audience is likely to have an interest in your content as well.
  • Offer Value: Approach potential collaborators with a clear idea of how the collaboration could benefit both of you. Whether it’s reaching a wider audience, sharing expertise, or creating unique content, make sure there’s value for both parties.
  • Be Open to Different Collaboration Types: Collaborations can take many forms, from guest appearances and co-hosted live streams to cross-promotions on social media. Be open to exploring different formats to keep your content dynamic.

Engaging with your community and collaborating with other creators are strategies that go hand in hand. Both approaches are about expanding your reach and strengthening your relationship with your audience. By fostering an inclusive and interactive community around your channel, you set the stage for long-term growth and success. Remember, on YouTube, your audience isn’t just a number—it’s a community of individuals who share your passion. Engaging with them genuinely and consistently can transform your channel into a vibrant online community.

Monetizing Your Channel

For many creators, YouTube is not just a platform for sharing content but also a means to earn a living. Monetizing your channel can be a rewarding aspect of being a content creator, provided you approach it with a clear understanding and strategy. Let’s break down the essentials of monetizing your YouTube channel, from adhering to YouTube’s monetization policies to diversifying your income streams.

Understand YouTube’s Monetization Policies

Before you can start earning money on YouTube, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the platform’s monetization policies. YouTube has specific requirements that channels must meet to be eligible for monetization through the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).

  • Meet the Eligibility Requirements: To apply for the YPP, your channel needs at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours over the past 12 months. Additionally, you must adhere to all of YouTube’s policies and guidelines.
  • Understand the Ad Policies: Not all content is ad-friendly. YouTube has strict guidelines on what types of content are eligible for monetization. Review these guidelines to ensure your content complies, thereby maximizing your earning potential.
  • Consider Different Monetization Features: Once part of the YPP, explore different monetization features offered by YouTube, such as ad revenue, channel memberships, Super Chat, and the YouTube Premium revenue program.

Diversify Your Revenue Streams

Relying solely on ad revenue can be precarious due to fluctuating CPMs and policy changes. Diversifying your income sources can provide more financial stability.

  • Merchandise: If you have a loyal fanbase, consider selling branded merchandise. Platforms like Teespring integrate directly with YouTube, allowing you to showcase your merchandise beneath your videos.
  • Patreon and Membership Sites: Patreon or similar platforms offer a way for your most dedicated fans to support you financially. In return, you can offer them exclusive content, early access to videos, or other perks.
  • Sponsorships and Brand Deals: As your channel grows, brands may approach you for sponsorships. Ensure that any sponsored content is transparent and aligns with your audience’s interests and values.
  • Affiliate Marketing: You can also earn commissions by promoting products or services and including affiliate links in your video descriptions. Choose products that are relevant to your content and audience.
  • Offering Services or Courses: Depending on your niche, you might be able to offer specialized services, consultations, or online courses. This can be a lucrative way to leverage your expertise and audience.

Monetizing your YouTube channel requires a balance between creating content that fulfills you creatively and content that can generate revenue. Understanding YouTube’s monetization policies and diversifying your income streams are key steps in building a sustainable financial model for your channel. As you explore different monetization options, always prioritize the trust and loyalty of your audience, as they are the foundation of your channel’s success.

Analyzing and Adapting

The landscape of YouTube is ever-evolving, with content preferences shifting and platform algorithms updating regularly. To ensure the longevity and growth of your channel, it’s essential to adopt a mindset of continuous analysis and adaptation. Here’s how you can leverage YouTube Analytics and stay updated with platform changes to refine your strategy and content.

Use YouTube Analytics

YouTube provides creators with a powerful tool in YouTube Analytics, a comprehensive dashboard that offers insights into every facet of your channel’s performance. Understanding how to interpret and act on this data is key to tailoring your content and strategy to meet your audience’s needs better.

  • Viewership Metrics: Pay attention to views, watch time, and audience retention rates to gauge the overall appeal of your videos. High retention rates and watch time are indicators of engaging content that resonates with your audience.
  • Audience Insights: Analytics can tell you a lot about who your viewers are, including demographic information, geographic location, and viewing preferences. Use this data to create content that appeals directly to your core audience.
  • Engagement Statistics: Likes, comments, shares, and the number of new subscribers can indicate how well your content is fostering community and engagement. High engagement rates often correlate with higher visibility on YouTube.
  • Traffic Sources: Understanding where your views are coming from (search, direct links, recommendations, etc.) can help you fine-tune your SEO strategy and identify which platforms or keywords are most effective in driving viewers to your channel.

Stay Up-to-Date

YouTube’s algorithm and policy changes can have a significant impact on your content’s visibility and monetization potential. Staying informed about these changes is crucial for adapting your strategy to maintain and grow your channel.

  • Follow YouTube’s Official Channels: YouTube has its own blogs and forums where it announces updates and changes. Make it a habit to check these resources regularly.
  • Join Creator Communities: Online communities and forums for YouTube creators can be invaluable sources of information, advice, and updates on changes within the platform.
  • Educational Resources: YouTube itself offers resources like the Creator Academy, which provides courses and tips on best practices for content creation and channel growth.
  • Keep an Eye on Trends: Beyond platform-specific changes, keeping up with content trends within your niche can provide insights into what viewers are currently interested in.

Adopting a proactive approach to analyzing your channel’s performance and staying informed about platform changes can empower you to make data-driven decisions that enhance your content’s appeal and engagement. Remember, the key to sustained success on YouTube lies in your ability to adapt and evolve with the platform and your audience’s preferences. By continually analyzing your analytics and being adaptable to change, you set the stage for long-term growth and a vibrant community around your channel.

Promoting Your Channel

Creating great content is just one part of the YouTube success equation. To grow your audience, you also need to master the art of promotion. Effective channel promotion not only increases your visibility but can significantly boost your subscriber count and viewer engagement. Here’s how you can leverage social media and community engagement to promote your YouTube channel effectively.

Utilize Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools for reaching new audiences and engaging with your current subscribers. Each platform offers unique ways to share your content and interact with viewers.

  • Cross-Promote Your Videos: Share your YouTube content across your social media profiles. This can include posting video previews on Instagram, sharing links on Twitter, or creating related posts on Facebook that drive traffic to your videos.
  • Use Hashtags Strategically: On platforms like Twitter and Instagram, hashtags can increase the discoverability of your posts. Use relevant hashtags that align with your video content and niche.
  • Engage with Your Followers: Don’t just post your videos and disappear. Use social media to have conversations, answer questions, and share additional content that complements your YouTube videos.
  • Create Platform-Specific Content: While sharing your YouTube videos is essential, also create content specifically for each social media platform. This can help you build a more robust online presence and attract followers back to your YouTube channel.

Engage in Communities

Participating in online communities related to your niche is a subtle yet effective way to promote your channel. It allows you to establish yourself as an authority in your field and direct interested users to your YouTube content.

  • Find Relevant Forums and Groups: Whether it’s a subreddit, a Facebook group, or a specialized online forum, find communities where people are discussing topics related to your niche.
  • Provide Value: Don’t just jump into these spaces with self-promotion. Start by contributing to discussions, offering advice, and sharing insights. Build relationships with community members.
  • Share Your Content Where Appropriate: Once you’ve established yourself within a community, share your videos when they are relevant to a discussion. Always ensure that sharing your content adds value to the conversation and adheres to the community’s rules.
  • Collaborate with Community Members: Look for opportunities to collaborate with other community members. This could be through guest appearances, joint projects, or sharing each other’s content.

Promoting your YouTube channel requires effort and strategy, but by leveraging social media and engaging in communities, you can significantly increase your channel’s visibility and appeal. Remember, the goal is to introduce your channel to potential new subscribers while providing value and building genuine connections. This dual approach not only helps grow your audience but also fosters a loyal community around your content.

Maintaining a Growth Mindset

In the ever-evolving world of YouTube, adopting a growth mindset is pivotal for both personal development and channel success. A growth mindset propels you to embrace challenges, learn from feedback, and persist in the face of setbacks. For YouTubers, this means continuously honing your craft, understanding the intricacies of the platform, and staying committed to your vision, even when progress seems slow. Here’s how you can cultivate and maintain a growth mindset on your YouTube journey.

Learn Continuously

The landscape of digital content creation is constantly changing, with new tools, trends, and audience preferences emerging regularly. Staying informed and eager to learn is crucial for keeping your content relevant and engaging.

  • Educate Yourself: Take advantage of the plethora of online resources available to content creators. From tutorials on video editing and graphic design to courses on SEO and digital marketing, there’s always something new to learn.
  • Experiment with Your Content: Don’t be afraid to try new things on your channel. Experimenting with different video formats, editing styles, or content themes can lead to surprising discoveries about what resonates with your audience.
  • Seek Feedback: Constructive criticism can be a goldmine for improvement. Listen to your audience’s feedback and be open to suggestions from fellow creators. Use this input as a roadmap for learning and growth.
  • Stay Inspired: Keep an eye on creators both within and outside your niche. Learning from the successes and failures of others can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your own content.

Be Patient

Patience is a virtue, especially in the world of content creation. Building a successful YouTube channel is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires time, dedication, and resilience.

  • Set Realistic Goals: While it’s good to dream big, setting achievable, incremental goals can help keep you motivated and focused. Celebrate the small victories along the way to your larger aspirations.
  • Understand the Value of Persistence: Success on YouTube doesn’t happen overnight. It often takes years of consistent effort to build a substantial audience. Recognize the value of sticking to your plan and persisting through challenges.
  • Learn from Setbacks: View any setbacks not as failures but as learning opportunities. Analyze what didn’t work and why, then adjust your strategy accordingly. Resilience in the face of adversity is a hallmark of successful YouTubers.
  • Take Care of Yourself: It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of content creation. Remember to take breaks and look after your mental and physical well-being. A healthy creator is a productive and creative creator.

Maintaining a growth mindset is about embracing the journey, with all its ups and downs, as an opportunity for continuous learning and improvement. By staying curious, open to feedback, patient, and resilient, you set the foundation for long-term success and fulfillment on YouTube. Remember, every great creator started somewhere, and with persistence and a positive attitude, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.


Embarking on the journey to start a successful YouTube channel is an adventure that blends creativity, strategic planning, and genuine engagement with your audience. This journey, while challenging, is also immensely rewarding, offering endless possibilities to share your passion, connect with people globally, and even build a rewarding career. From the initial steps of understanding YouTube’s ecosystem and defining your niche, to the continuous processes of producing high-quality content, optimizing for visibility, and fostering community engagement, success on this platform is multifaceted.

Remember, every great YouTube channel began with a single video, a single idea, and a single spark of passion. The path to growth and recognition on YouTube is paved with dedication, patience, and a willingness to learn and adapt. Whether you’re sharing expertise, entertaining viewers, or inspiring change, your unique voice has the potential to resonate with audiences across the globe.

As you set out on or continue your YouTube journey, keep in mind that the essence of success lies not just in numbers but in the impact you make and the community you build. With dedication, passion, and a strategic approach, there are truly no limits to what you can achieve. The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and there’s always room for new voices and fresh perspectives.

So, are you ready to take the plunge and start your YouTube journey? Embrace the process, stay true to your vision, and embark on this exciting path with confidence. The world is waiting to hear what you have to say. Here’s to your success on YouTube!

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